Most Used Items at our Home for Kids Battling Cancer

We are so fortunate to be in a community with such giving hearts and generous spirits. This is evidenced by the many phone calls, emails, and social media messages from people wanting to know how to help support our home for kids battling cancer; and not just the children, but their families, as well. If you pop over to this page (insert link), you’ll find a list of donation items that we accept, but we thought we’d take that one step further and give you a list of the Korral’s most used items. They may surprise you in their simplicity, but what they show is that our families are looking for ease and cleanliness.
- Paper plates (must be paper to ensure they are microwave friendly)
- To-go containers (Our families are devoted to helping one another and will bring meals to other Korral guests stuck at the hospital)
- Large disposable cups
- Disposable coffee cups
- K-cups
- 55 to 60 gallon garbage bags for the kitchen
- Clorox Wipes and Clorox Anywhere Spray
These are all simple things to add to your cart on your own household supply run or when you place your Amazon Prime order. Don’t forget to choose us for any of your purchases on Amazon Smile! It doesn’t cost you any extra, but it does give us a small donation, and anything helps as we work hard to maintain comfortable and welcoming lodging for pediatric cancer patients and their families.